21 Day PLATINUM Experience
Embody 3 Key Codes to Dissolve Your Unconscious
Obstacles to Love, Wellbeing and Abundance
with spiritual masters
Sandra and Daniel Biskind
“Sandra and Daniel have the amazing ability to shift energy and remove blocks on very deep levels - I had them work with my entire staff with magical results. Their work is transformational wizardry at it's best. ~Jack Canfield
Experience the process of becoming free from unconscious programs so you can have the great relationships, money, prosperity, happiness and success you so richly deserve.
Take the next step in the evolution of your business and personal life.
It's a fact, your unconscious programs are running your life 95% of the time and sabotaging your efforts to live the life you want. It's time they were stopped!
It's time for you to RESET in safe mode, take control and become UNSTOPPABLE!
In the UNSTOPPABLE LIFE 21 Day PLATINUM Experience you will master and integrate
3 Key Codes to dissolve your unconscious obstacles to love, well-being and abundance.
You'll be attuned to the frequency of enlightenment and unconditional love which is the frequency of success.
This is only the beginning!
Sandra and Daniel Biskind's UNSTOPPABLE LIFE 21 Day PLATINUM Experience will lay the foundation you need to instantly begin
practicing and living a truly Unstoppable life!
If you're wondering why you can't get to or even past a six or seven figure income...
If you've failed repeatedly at love and are left wondering what you're doing wrong...
If you've tried do-it-yourself programs, coaching and other expensive yet failed attempts, at turning it all around...
If you have reached a plateau in life and business and are frustrated by your lack of ability to move ahead...
The Unstoppable Life 21 Day Program
Is for You!
We want you to imagine for a second what it will be like when you can finally control the ego mind voice in your head, get past the struggle, and the never ending loop of repeating patterns, and step into...
The life you have always known was possible!
Imagine if you could re-program those old default frequencies that aren’t serving you and fully embrace your spiritual need to become whole. This is where ultimate transformation begins.
Before your conscious mind has even realized what's happened, unconscious programs were created that seem to dictate your feelings and emotions. These unconscious programs run your life 95% 0f the time and affect all the outcomes you've ever tried to control. They sabotage all your hard work and keep you from achieving the wealth, prosperity and love you desire. Your unconscious mind has created these core programs, these limiting beliefs you default to that hold you back and keep you from moving ahead.
Will you commit to giving yourself the gift of this experience so you can receive the information you need to move beyond your beliefs to achieve the life you want?
If you are not regularly and consistently experiencing success, peace, love, and happiness, you need to ask yourself, “what code, what frequency is blocking my path?”
You have always felt in your heart that you were meant for a bigger and greater life,
and now you get to begin the process that will change your life forever.
Self help gurus tell us we must never indulge in feelings of despair, depression or defeat, and to turn our lives around we have to think positively. But what if your ego mind - with all your unconscious programs and stories will not allow you to do that?
That's why the UNSTOPPABLE Life experience is so important!
Only in wholeness can you create deep and meaningful relationships, achieve higher levels of awareness and live a life of meaning and purpose.
We want to help you upgrade your frequency, reprogram your codes and your life on every level, not only spiritually, but also on the levels of wealth, health, and relationship success.
We want to help you achieve lasting success in all areas of your life!
It all begins by raising your frequency and reprograming your thoughts and DNA for success.
And in just 21 days you will begin that process!
Are You Committed to Create Lasting Change In Your Life?
The UNSTOPPABLE LIFE 21 Day Experience
Begins as soon as you register!
Secure your spot now and benefit immediately from the meditations and other bonuses offered in your own private portal
ONLY $497
Are you in?
Module #1
Module #2
Module #3
The Unstoppable Life 21 Day PLATINUM Experience...
Is designed to create change in your life, to give you the tools you need to create INSTANT SHIFTS in your levels of awareness... instant shifts in your ability to recognize the truth more easily...
Discover core programs your unconscious mind has created that sabotage your chances for living in an abundance mindset
Let go of past beliefs surrounding money that keep you from making more
Release the unconscious beliefs that stop you from attracting high paying clients
Achieve a sense of peace and balance by understanding how these 3 Key Codes apply to and relate to one another
Identify and neutralize blocks that prevent you from having all you've ever wanted in life.
Attract wealth, love and a sense of well being
The Unstoppable Life 21 Day PLATINUM Experience offers intensive results-focused modules designed for IMMEDIATE self discovery. It was created to set you up for success; to identify the pitfalls that are keeping you at your current level and to work through the blocks to get back on track so you can live as the best version of you.
It also includes:
Master spiritual well-being and develop your spiritual muscles in your transformational journey into living as a PLATINUM BEING...
Sandra and Daniel are excited to be your spiritual mentors and teachers as you embark on this journey to awaken you dormant divinity and succeed in all you do.
Are you in?
“Sandra nailed what happened in my past and knew what was preventing me from being the person I so desperately wanted to be. She has a rare gift and talent to pick up what the blocks are and how to resolve them. After working with her, I feel more at peace with myself and know that I am now on track to express and experience more love in my life." - Gary Rush, Tony Robbins Life Coach
What No One Is Telling You
Prosperity and Love are entertwined. You can’t have one without the other, AND, love is the secret to success. Let that sink in for a moment…
If you’re struggling financially then you are typically under unusual stress and pressure. There is negative mind chatter, guilt, shame and blame. You’re going into failure mode and don’t even know it. You’re still struggling to succeed on the outside but on the inside, you’re shutting down and preparing to fail.
In order to switch from failure to success, you must reconnect with all that you are and become the best version of you. Be compassionate with yourself, build yourself up, do what you’re great at, do what you LOVE and are passionate about so when others see you, they want to work with you. Your love vibration is so high that people don’t even know why they want to work with you! They just do!
Raise your love vibration and you automatically compel people to feel good around you and trust you. People can feel your integrtiy and will trust you when you’re on a high love vibration. Without integrity, you're not whole and your wholeness is the most compelling aspect of being human.
The vibration of love, money and integrity are all interwoven. Remove unconscious blocks surrounding love and money and you will achieve happiness and success. Once you remove these blocks around love, your whole life, you’re entire business will take off. As you remove the blocks around money, your relationships will reach a whole new level of fulfilment.
The UNSTOPPABLE LIFE 21 Day Experience
Secure your spot now and benefit immediately from the meditations and other bonuses offered in your own private portal
ONLY $497
Are you in?
People Just Like You Are Getting Results from working with Sandra and Daniel
Sandra and Daniel Biskind are International #1 Bestselling Authors, Speakers & Spiritual Teachers who for decades have been transforming the lives of global award-winning business owners and spiritual leaders.
They are Jack Canfield's energy shifters of choice and now YOU can experience the depth of their work that takes these codes locked in your DNA, trapped in programs within your neural pathways, and finally get yourself free.
Now you can join the code breakers, Sandra and Daniel to explore and implement the system they’ve created to attain living a life of peace, joy, fun, vitality and financial freedom….are you in?
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